Useful information for buyers
It is unusual to find a property which is free from defects but our home surveys will give you the knowledge you need to decide whether or not to proceed with your purchase. Many of the defects we find can be easily remedied providing you are prepared to accept the cost and inconvenience of the works. Sometimes the vendor may agree to carry out remedial works prior to purchase or the purchase price may be renegotiated to reflect the cost of carrying out unexpected works. In a small number of cases, it may be best to walk away from the purchase altogether.
Everyone has different expectations and, to avoid unnecessary time and expense, it is important that you know how much work you are prepared to carry out. In the majority of cases, older properties will require more extensive remedial works, and therefore expenditure, than newer properties. If funds are limited or you don’t want the inconvenience of works, it may be better to buy something more modern. If you’re not sure what type of property would suit you, our surveyors can help you decide.
Our gallery of common defects provides information on the types of issue we regularly encounter in our surveys.